Thursday, July 26, 2012

iPads for Literacy & Learning resource for teachers

"The real problem is not adding technology to the current organization of the classroom, but changing the culture of teaching and learning.”
- Alan November

My colleague Nicole Sprainger, has created an iBook "iPads for Literacy & Learning" which has been developed to assist K-10 teachers in utilising the iPad in their classroom literacy learning programs. It recognises that our students live in an increasingly sophisticated and  media-rich society, in which digital texts are ubiquitous. Our students need therefore to become multiliterate - to be critical consumers of digital media texts. They also need to develop the ability to construct new knowledge, communicating their own ideas and information by composing using digital tools and processes.

 Nicole says the iBook itself is intended simply to be a stimulus - a spark to encourage teachers to consider some ways to provide explicit learning opportunities for their students to access, use, understand and create multimodal texts while utilising the iPad.

"It is my hope that you and your students will embrace some of the wonderful learning opportunities afforded by access to an iPad and the amazing range of apps on offer. I believe you and your students will find the learning purposeful, engaging and fun!"

The books includes very useful information on the pedagogical consideration of choosing Apps and includes a variety of frameworks to map and evaluate Apps.

Teachers are free to copy and share this iBook with other teachers in accordance with the Creative Commons license outlined in the book.

Click on the image to download the iBook from Dropbox via your iPad.

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